Imposter syndrome has the potential to cripple us from living the life we actually want. Dive on in to learn how to stop feeling like you're about to get found out or fired and how to find the peace that comes with mastering your mind..

Download this free guide to discover:
- Where imposter syndrome comes from
- Why you have it and why it pops up everywhere
- Why it happens even when there is no proof that you don't know what you're doing
- 6 step, proven, guide to living imposter syndrome free

    Lucy Puttergill

    Trauma Informed Transformational Coach and Breathworker, Speaker, Blogger, Oversharer forever sharing the truths that we all struggle with but are scared to talk about.

    Ex-trading floor resident at Citi and J.P. Morgan.

    Who am I?

    I support overachieving city slickers stuck on the 'right' path in breaking free and taking control of their lives so they can choose their own path.

    I've walked the path myself you see, so I'm committed to helping others do the same.

    Like these people...

    Over the last 5 years I've:

    • Called it quits on the well paved path of corporate life to start my own business
    • Freed myself from the hell of imposter syndrome so I can actually do the things I want without all the fear
    • Gone from believing life was happening to me, stuck in victim cycles, to a place of being able to create my own reality
    • Moved from being deeply unfulfilled, anxious, feeling as if I was a perpetual failure to living life with an air of freedom, joy and lightness